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Why is the app not working?

We're so sorry you're experiencing an issue with the TTW app. Let's work together to fix it! Please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of the app (check your app store). If you need to update the app, do so and relaunch the app.
  2. Still not working? Try deleting (uninstalling) the app and reinstalling it from the app store.
  3. Sign back in.
  4. Still not working? Please submit a support ticket here. You can provide an explanation of the issue(s) you’re experiencing. Screenshots and videos help! Your feedback helps us solve issues that may be affecting multiple users, so thank you for reporting with as much detail as you can.
  5. In the meantime: As a work-around, here are a few alternative ways to continue with your daily Bible habit off the app (When the app is back in working order, you can manually check off your progress -- see the question: "How do I manually mark a Plan or Guide as complete/reset progress?"):
    • You can listen to TTW audio guides on the Through the Word Podcast on your favorite podcast provider: